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Products and Services

Monmouth Telecom is a leading New Jersey provider of advanced telecommunications solutions.

We take pride in supplying the most reliable and appropriate solution for each customer, based on their individual needs. Our dedicated service professionals and customer care support work together to ensure complete customer satisfaction. There are a lot of pieces to a Complete Communications Solution for any Business. Let us know if we can help inform your decision, we're here to help.

Integrated Voice and Data

Monmouth Telecom provides Full Service Communications Solutions that will address all of your telephone and internet needs. Any of our services can be delivered over T1s, Fiber Internet, or a combination of the two. We manage your resources efficiently, so that when you are not on the phone, you're connections are 100% available for Internet Access. All of our connections are also compatible with Backup Cable Internet Connections for redundancy.

Hosted PBX / Virtual PBX

The Internet and Voice Over IP (VoIP) have enabled a new class of Business Telephone Systems to emerge with enhanced reliability and features, all at a lower cost than the Legacy PBX. At Monmouth Telecom we've applied what we've learned providing highly reliable internet and voice services to providing Business Telephone Systems as a Service.  Chuck out the Box in the Closet and start saving today! Learn More in our Hosted PBX Information Center.

Voice Services

Monmouth Telecom offers the complete set of voice services that you need to do business. These including Local, Long Distance and Toll Free calling as well as Emergency and Operator Service. These services are priced competitively and are an integral part of a comprehensive communications solutions. From Legacy PBX connections to SIP Trunks, we've got you covered!

Data Services

We started as an Internet Service Provider (ISP) back in 1995, when the World Wide Web was just getting started. From the beginning we have been performing Network Cabling, managing Firewalls, Email, Backups, Security and everything else that comes with being a Business ISP. Today we have evolved to provide our customers with Fiber Ethernet, Private Data Networks using MPLS, and Hosted Firewall (Firewall-As-A-Service).

Cloud CRM

Monmouth Telecom has developed a simple yet effective CRM Program to help you manage your customer base. From start to finish, we are with you every step of the way in making your experiences with your customer base as friendly and effecient as possible. 


Monmouth Telecom

Founded as an Internet Service Provider in NJ in 1995, Monmouth Telecom has grown to offer a complete set of innovative and economical Business VoIP Phone Services and Business Internet Services.  We were NJ's first Internet Service Provider turned Telephone Company in 2000 and in 2006 we began providing businesses with increased functionality using VoIP. Learn more about Who We Are and how Hosted PBX / Virtual PBX is changing the face of business telephone service.

Contact Us

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Customer Service

Technical Support
Primary:     732-704-9000
Secondary: 732-704-1400

Full Contact Information



10 Drs James Parker Blvd
Suite 110
Red Bank, NJ 07701

Key Data/Switching Facilities

12 N 7th St.
Camden, NJ 08102

165 Halsey St.
Newark, NJ 07102

423 Washington Ave.
Pleasantville, NJ 08232

18 Paterson St.
New Brunswick, NJ 08901

95 William St.
Newark, NJ 07102

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